About Rotary
If you want to find more about the mission of Rotary International go to :
- web page Rotary international http://www.rotary.org/
- web page Rotary Slovenija http://www.rotaryslovenija.org/
- Interview with Ray Klingsmith http://tvslo.si/predvajaj/ray-klinginsmith-predsednik-rotary-international/ava2.118567890/
- video presentation of Rotary International:
- web page Rotary international http://www.rotary.org/
- web page Rotary Slovenija http://www.rotaryslovenija.org/
- Interview with Ray Klingsmith http://tvslo.si/predvajaj/ray-klinginsmith-predsednik-rotary-international/ava2.118567890/
- video presentation of Rotary International: